The Thursday night net was another fine one. The net started on the alternate frequency of 3.983 but soon moved back to it's home of 3.961. It seems there is a group of hams that have recently moved from another frequency to 3.960 so just before the net started we moved to the alt. frequency.
Well shortly into the net 3.983 became the place everyone wanted to be..... Welcome to the wonderful 80 meter band. AC0BG looked for another freq. and we soon moved back to what seems to be our home.3.961
After the move the signals were much better at first but soon begain to go up and down.
All in All we had a great net tonight....The first topic was actually the announcement of plans that are still in the infant stages of developing......The APRN has been looking into doing a DXpedition to Cape Brenton Island in Canada.... More on this later as plans develop......
Next we did a open mic round tonight like last week as everyone really seemed to like that..........
In the end as always the dedicated members that make up the APRN stuck to there guns (or mics) and managed to get in several rounds of comments before the net was closed and the freq. returned to regular amateur use.
W4DMH...... Dave.......WV.......Net Control
WA1HHN ......Walt.......MA
KD8HDP...... Justin.......MI