Once again the 160 meter band was in a good mood tonite for the APRN net. We had 9 check ins including the net control station. Those that checked in were W4DMH, Dave in West Virgina; KI4HEE, Bob in S.Carolina; NW8I, Del in Ohio; N8NMJ, Mike in Maryland; W2GZB, Dan in New Jersey; N8BIT, Dave in Michigan; N4QNT,Art in N.Carolina; W1HHN, Walt in Massachusetts. We had some great discussion and comments about Prepping and issues related to the subject of emergency communications. It is interesting to meet new operators that are like minded and willing to share during the net. So with that, we're gonna catch our breath and put the hinge back together on the foot pedal!!!!!
Until next week, Same time, Same Frequency, This is K7DLB, your net control station for the APRN 160m net Saying 73 and have a GREAT week!!!!!