Sunday, August 9, 2009


I'll betya all of the other bands were quiet tonite because we had ALL of the noise on the 160m band. We did manage 1 new checkin tonite though;KB3IFH, Randy from Baltimore, Maryland checked in and stuck around to shoot the breeze a bit. So tonite we had 3 checkins, W4DMH Dave, KB3IFH Randy, and K7DLB Dave net control. PLEASE keep in mind, we will continue to hold this net because as summer winds down, the 160m band "opens up" and it gets real easy to make contacts all over!!!!! So we will try again again next week!! Same time, same frequency. Until then, this is K7DLB, saying 73 and have a great week!!!!!


  1. The count would of been four...I was tryin' but you couldn't hear me.... better luck next time.

  2. sorry about all the noise, but i just want to let all you guys know that i am super impressed with this site - the layout, graphics are phenomenal and the message and concept are totally polished and professional!!

    kudos to all of you - well done!!

  3. Thanks Jambaloney
    Everyone here is trying real hard to make both the radio nets and the website fun and informative.

    Keep checking back we have many plans in the works.


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