Tuesday, September 1, 2009

40 Meter Net Tonite

Tune in or around 7.198 as KI4HEE starts taking check-ins at 01:00Z, (9PM EST). Lord willin' n the creek don't rise we'll have a fine bunch of check-ins from all over.

We'll see you on the air. KI4HEE

Tonites topic: Electrical Generators, when are they worth their weight in Watts?


  1. GREAT NET tonight!
    Everyone sounded good into KC metro, even with QRM. Would enjoy if you can post location of any SWL, perhaps you do?

    Looking forward to the 80 meter net.
    Larry Independence, MO (KC metro)

  2. Great idea and there are a bunch of changes coming stay tuned and look for updates tomorrow evening as a new feature will be announced then


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