Friday, July 31, 2009

We'll be Radio Stars!

UPDATE:Listen in to the show starting at 2PM Eastern with the Button at right.
Good things are happening at the APRN. We just got invited to be a part in a special episode of The Family Preparedness Guide, Hosted by noted author James Talmage Steven on Blogtalk Radio.

The live call-in show, scheduled 2PM EST/ 1PM CST, is one of the most popular shows on Blogtalk.radio, with world-wide coverage of listeners tuning in regularly for news & information about family preparedness.
If you have a question and would like to participate in the discussion, the Call-in Number: (347) 326-9604 will be available nation-wide.

We're excited to be a part of the program and are looking forward to talking preparedness, spreading the news of the American Preppers Network, and especially talking up Ham Radio.

Tune in Saturday, 2PM EST/ 1PM CST by clicking here.


  1. Sweet.... Once I got my shtuff together, I'm lookin' at "hammin'" myself. CQ CQ CQ, see y'all out there!

  2. Mayberry let me know if I can be of any help when your ready to get your ticket.
    73 Santa

  3. One more thing Santa... What equipment would you recommend for a rookie in an EXTREME budget? And what needs to be known for the test/certification/licensing? These would be good topics for posts.... 'Cuz I don't know! ; )

  4. Congrats all! I tried to get the radio for the show last night but antennae must not be strong enough. Only have a shortwave radio right now but would love to get a ham unit someday $$$$$!

  5. Thanks everyone for the comments.

    Mayberry I am working on a post for answering questions that I also receive by email. I hope to turn that into a once a week post here. I have included your question's in the list. This will allow me a little more time to work on other needs for the Radio Net.

    erniesjorney You will get there Look for a local Ham Radio club and talk with a few people there you never know someone may be willing to help.

  6. Hey Ernie!!!! All you need for that shortwave is a really long section of wire. Any kind of wire will do. If you have one of those portable shortwaves with the telescoping antenna, strip off a couple of inches of insulation, and wrap it around the antenna. Once again, make it as long as you can and throw the wire out the window and get it a high as you can!!!! You'll be surprised at the results!!!!

  7. To interject here...while it'll be easy to get a shortwave radio to tune to the frequencies we work, be sure it's able to recieve single-sideband mode, otherwise it'll be recieving signals that sound like Donald Duck. Most medium, and upper-end SW recievers have this capability.

    And Mayberry...check out the link we have on the right column about wanting to become a Ham Radio Operator...it takes you directly to the QRZ.com practice tests...you be surprized on what you probably already know about radio...give it a try!


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