Monday, November 23, 2009


This actually dovetails nicely with Santa's "Life Lessons Series" Part 4.
Last night while preparing for the 160m meter net, a bunch of operators were on the 1.860 frequency having a very nice ragchew session. They are regulars since the 160m band opened up and they are always very gracious when I ask if I can have the frequency at 9pm for the net. It was no different last night except for one operator that expressed his opinion on our project and the whole Prepper movement in general. It was not directed at me, nor was it nasty or out of line, it was his opinion and he is certainly entitled to it. To kind of condense his thoughts, I'll just say he was calling us a bunch of "Chicken Littles". I thought about this and here are my thoughts....
This operator is, I'm afraid, the norm, rather than the exception. He has lived his life his own way probably not paying a whole lot of attention to things outside his immediate world. When he does pay attention to the news of the day, it has been trimmed and slanted as the Media is so inclined to do. I feel bad for folks like this. It is the goal of this movement and others like it to wake people up. Santa's post lays it out nicely. So read it a couple of times to let it sink in and get to work!!!! There is much to do, we have to be ready WHEN, not IF things get troublesome!!!!!!!!!
Dave K7DLB


  1. dang! i wish i could have listened in to the conversation! although i am sure that it went the way that many of us have experienced in the past with people who accuse of being "chicken littles" - teeheehee!

    anyway, my dear friend Bulldog, whenever i have encountered people who call me chicken little in the past - i have always corrected them. i am not chicken little - i am Henny Penny!

    "then i'll do it myself", said Henny Penny, and so she did!

    great post my friend! and please keep up the awesome work that the APRN is doing!

  2. did he sign off with a resounding "baaaa"?
    I don't think of it as chicken-little-ing, I think of it as common sense.

  3. Your post and the comments that follow are all true. It is sad that people just don't get it but it is reality.

    I would go on to say if this person just took a little bit of time to read the goals that we share and more importantly the Amateur's Code on the right sidebar, which by the way has been widely recognized since 1928 he would realize that what we do is very much a part of what Ham radio SHOULD BE.


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