Sunday, August 9, 2009


I'll betya all of the other bands were quiet tonite because we had ALL of the noise on the 160m band. We did manage 1 new checkin tonite though;KB3IFH, Randy from Baltimore, Maryland checked in and stuck around to shoot the breeze a bit. So tonite we had 3 checkins, W4DMH Dave, KB3IFH Randy, and K7DLB Dave net control. PLEASE keep in mind, we will continue to hold this net because as summer winds down, the 160m band "opens up" and it gets real easy to make contacts all over!!!!! So we will try again again next week!! Same time, same frequency. Until then, this is K7DLB, saying 73 and have a great week!!!!!

Have you got your ears on?

While we've been having great success establishing a net on the Ham Radio Bands, there are many without a ham license who haven't been able to participate and are missing out on the action. Some have commented interest in getting a radio receiver so they can listen in. Short of getting a ham radio license & radio, a portable shortwave receiver is wise choice for anyone who wishes to have a reliable back-up for getting news & information.

With a wide range of radio coverage, a Short-Wave Receiver brings the world to your fingertips, allowing you to listen in on world-wide Commercial Radio Broadcasts, Aviation, & Maritime, Business Radio, and much more. Most Shortwave receivers have more sensitivity and selectivity than your run-of-the-mill radio receiver, so it can tune in weaker stations out of the noise, as well as audio signal filters and fine tuning that can help greatly in clearing up the clutter.

At right:Shopping around? Check out this KAITO KA1102BLK Digital AM/FM/SW World Receiver with SSB.

Most importantly, a good shortwave receiver offers more than the standard modes of AM (Amplitude Modulation), and FM (Frequency Modulation). SSB, or Single-Sideband mode is the method of choice of broadcasting a signal long range with low power. A majority of Military, Maritime, and Ham Radio broadcasts use single-sideband to communicate and a shortwave receiver with SSB capability opens up a whole world of radio often overlooked and unheard.

To listen in on the American Prepper Radio Net a shortwave radio needs to have single-sideband capability. Without it, the signals sound something like Donald Duck whispering....CB'ers call it "ghost-talk"....you hear it but can't make out what's being said .

If you like to learn more, J&R Audio and Electronics offers a good page of information about Short-Wave Radios in their product guide. (Editors Note: We wish to thank J&R Electronics for it's product images & links.)
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