Saturday, September 26, 2009


Many thanks to Del, NW8I for jumping in and running the 80 meter net on Thursday nite!!!! He ran the net like a pro and had a real good discussion going. There really was no topic but it was kind of a review of some of the discussions from nets past. MANY THANKS DEL!!!!!
Please remember, it is not hard to run a net. We do need some alternate Net Control Stations to run any one of our nets. Please consider it and let either Dave W4DMH or Dave K7DLB know if you can help!!!!!


Email from Del;

Hi Dave,

I saw that the 80 mtr net was canceled for tonight. I thought maybe their might be a few guys that hadn't gotten the word or were just giving a listen anyway. About 0105 Z I asked if anyone wanted to check in and believe it or not their were several.

kb4msu Robert Eaton, OH - 1st time checkin

ki4hee Bob SC

n8tah Keven near E. Wheeling, WVA

kd8jpq Jeff

kb8jnz Steve Indiana, PA

I announced the official net had been cancelled so we just had an unofficial net.

I couldn't remember what the topic of discussion was supposed to be so we talked a little food storage and a lot of emergency power. The guys had some really good input on novel ways of providing power and different combination's of doing it.

I closed the net down at 0205Z but a couple of the guys talked a little longer.

Its hard to remember who said what but one suggestion was using a weedeater to run a 125 amp alternator which seemed to work very well. Another suggestion was to burn wood in such a way as to produce fuel to fed to a carburetor to run a generator and the guys discussed using steam generators as well. For an off the cuff net it went pretty well.

The band conditions were pretty good for about an hour then the QRM and QRN picked up right at the end.

Dave there is a lot of interest in the topics the nets been discussing. Most everyone is better prepared than myself but they have great info to share.


Del - nw8i

This just goes to show what I have said all along, The people involved in Ham radio are more than willing to jump in and get involved and help. Thanks a bunch Del.
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