Monday, March 29, 2010

The 6th man rises to the occasion AGAIN!!!! the APRN 160m net

Tell ya what gang, you just have to hand it to Del NW8I. He has been the APRN lifesaver as he is willing to step up to the plate and stand in as Net Control and we certainly appreciate it!!!!! THANKS DEL!!!!! Here is his net summary...

We had the net but the noise was bad and
the prop wasn't much better.

Dave, W4DMH checked in and we primarily discussed his RF problems. Dave's
signal was good on this end tonight but he still hasn't completely cleared
up the rf problem to his satisfaction.

We did have 5 brave hams check in tonight considering how bad the band was.

AC0BG Dean
N8BIT Dave
W4DMH Dave
NW8I Del 6th man net control

Thanks one and all for checking in this tough nite.

Del NW8I

73s to all

So, once again, thanks to Del for his help and please be sure to check out the APRN 80m net on Thursday at 9pm EDT on 3.962. Everybody have a great week!!!!

Oh yeah, don't forget to check out the APRN Mobile Communications Vehicle project. We need some help as far as donating some items and we will be posting more info as it comes along. If you have any questions just hit the e-mail button and fire them off!!!!!
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