Friday, October 30, 2009

The APRN 80 Meter Net made the CONNECTION!!!!

Thursday night the APRN 80 meter net was plugged in by Del,NW8I and the discussion was lively and interesting!!! The topic was Anderson Power Pole connectors and their many uses and styles. These little connectors have made life alot easier for many Hams as the discussion proved out!!!!
Here is the check in list:

KM4DA-Willie-Lake Forest NC- new checkin




W1LCR-Frank-Goshen, CT new checkin


K0nwt-Newt-Decator,GA new checkin and QRP. Newt had about a 5/5 to 5/6 sig
with 5 watts! Newt is the APRN 1st QRP checkin!!!! Great job Newt and we hope to hear you again soon!!!!!

Many THANKS!! to all the participated in the Net and please be sure to check in every Thursday!!! Remember, the APRN is always looking to put up new nets on different bands and modes, so, please stay tuned!!!!!!
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