Thursday, February 4, 2010

The APRN 80 meter net is all Doctored up!!!!

Tonites topic for the 80 meter APRN net will be Medical supplies and their availability and storage.  will take the controls tonite and direct the discussion to get folks to thinking about their medical needs and preps. So, join in the discussion at 9pm Eastern (0200UTC) on 3.961LSB or thereabouts. It may be another rough night signal wise as we have ANOTHER major winter storm on the way for the East Coast. But  is a persistent operator and he will give it his best shot.

A little note from the APRN.
The topics and discussions here one our nets are by no ways gospel. The idea is to get people to thinking about things related to Prepping and Preparedness. We have had some excellent discussions here and some different perspectives and thoughts have been offered. The idea is to help each other to get prepared and if there are any questions, thoughts or information that you may have found pertaining to past topic PLEASE bring it up. It is not a problem to continue a discussion or even postpone a topic to re-visit a past topic!!!!!
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