Saturday, October 17, 2009

To everyone,

Yes even the SWL (please leave email here if you do copy us on 40m)

Not much notice but lets try a quickie informal SSB voice net this afternoon on 40 meters.

TIME - 3 PM Eastern
FREQ - 7.198 LSB
alt1 - 7.195 LSB
alt2 - 7.201 LSB
alt3 - 7.180 LSB

I have been thinking we might get better coverage by trying "daytime" on 40m vs the evening or 'grey line' propagation.
I will run Net Logger. Hope you can join in.

Larry kb0emb


  1. Am on 7.201 at this point. The other freqs were either in use or 'close' stations to the freq.

    Hope to hear a few of you. Ready for net.


  2. Larry, Let's try to do this Sunday with the same schedule!!!!!

  3. Bulldog - Sunday it is!

    Same freq/time as the post above.


  4. Wow, the New York party is all over the place....It doesn't matter where I go.......

  5. From Ohio the Illinois QSO party is dominating the band. 7201 had a bad heterodyne. Need to get below 7175 to fing any clear area (Advanced or Extras only) 7165 was pretty clear.
    KF8XW 330pm EST

  6. I'm over on PSK 31 now... 7.078.5 1500

  7. This is a new listener in Illinois. Trying to find you on the Net. Listening with a small Grundig SW Receiver. Get a few Donald Ducks but nothing understandable on 7.190. I'm thinking of upgrading my receiver and perhaps getting my license... any suggestions?

  8. On the Grundig, unless you can set it for SSB or it has a BFO, you wont be able the hear the sideband signals. For some AM listen around 8pm-midnite on 3875, 3880, 3885, 7275, 7280. It wont be APRN stuff but still very interesting.

  9. It is the Grundig YB 400PE. SSB was enabled but no BFO. I am using the single wire antenna but reception is very limited. I will try to listen in as you suggested. I am looking at the Grundig 750 and perhaps a more external antenna (apartment living doesn't help). I am enjoying surfing the bands, just trying to get a feel for it. I used several different Harris radios in the Army, some AM, mostly FM or Sat link. It was necessary but fun.

  10. Anonymous, click on the link to the Forum Boarb on the left sidebar and come over and join in!!!! We will be having our 160m net tonite at 9pm eastern on 1.860 Lower sideband. I am the Net Control station and I'd like to know if you can pick us up!!!! I am an avid SWL and I would like to see more involvement over on the forum. We have lots to look at over there!!!!



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