Tuesday, September 29, 2009

40 Meter net with Lee K4USS

The American Preppers Radio Net 40 meter version will come to life again tonight at 2359Z (UTC) as Lee K4USS once again takes to the air. Folks the 40 meter band has been ruff and tuff for us so don't be surprised if Lee lets us know something new for the Tuesday night net. Rumor has it that there may be some changes in the works by Lee. So everyone please come and join in on the fun and keep your ear to the speaker for any clues as to what may be happening on Tuesday nights for the future.

Net controls for the APRN are free to do what ever they want to do with the net on there night. (almost anyway)  I have been told by a reliable source that Lee has some top secret plans for his night on the air and it is possible we may be clued in on what they are tonight. I sure hope his plans don't include going underwater for the net. Keep in mind he did spend time on subs during his Navy days.

Come one come all and please do tell a friend to come join in


  1. I have the wireless in the laptop and it is with me in the truck!!!! I hope to catch the net on Netlogger or Global tuners!!!!

  2. Bulldog, glad you could join the net for a little bit on Net Logger. I signed up on GT and they approved my account w/in a few minutes. You are limited in the first month (or so) about what you can tune and when, but it is a neat site. Very cool concept.



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