Friday, August 28, 2009

First Offical 80 Meter Net

Leading up to the top of the hour,you tune up the rig and get on frequency just to find out you now have to move the net as the frequency near you is in use. You rush to find a new one, bang the keyboard to get it up on the internet all the time wondering is anyone going to hear me tonight. Well the pressure is on and the adrenalin is flowing so there ain't much that really maters cause it is Game on time once again.

Once again we fired off the net at the stroke of 9. This was the first attempt of the official 80 meter net for the APRN. Band conditions were good but a little noisy then thru the air comes the first check in so you settle back in the chair and get comfy for the ride.

Once again we had a great net and lots of fun. The topic for tonight was.

What was your most memorial contact on Ham Radio.

The answers came from far and wide but rest assured every one was as good as the last. Every Ham I know can tell you of one that sticks out in his mind, and will forever. For some it is the first and others the farthest. But one thing you can count on is every one is unique in its own way.

What a fun net it was tonight so I will not bore you with typing the results as the map speaks for itself.Thanks to all that came and shared there story tonight it just don't get better than this folks.
73 all


  1. Santa - i am glad that you had such a great night! Things are really starting to get interesting here at the APRN and i can't wait for more Canadian Hams to find you!

    And although i am not a licensed Ham (yes Bulldog - i am getting on it - i promise!) but i have to say that in regards to your latest poll about using the Google Maps - i hope that all Hams out there will understand that it is a great tool for people who do not understand Ham radio and who cannot imagine what all of the check-ins really are and what they look like on a map.

    To all Hams voting: Please remember that the use of the Google Maps makes it really interesting for non-Hams to see what is going on!

  2. Kymber
    Thanks so much for your comment and I also agree that they are very useful. We try to gear this site towards helping others that are not ham's get interested in it or at least learn about it so they can join in by listening on Short wave radio. I also hope to see people vote to keep them as well for there teaching ability. There is really no danger to it that I see. I do however respect everyone's right to privacy. I personally do not see it as a issue as the maps are far from accurate to pinpointing ones location.
    73 W4DMH


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