Friday, April 30, 2010

New Site Features

We have moved this site on to a server to better serve you. If you have been following us by email feed you will need to go to the new site and sign up again. It is on the top right of the new page.Click HERE We are working very hard to get the new site working the way we need it to so please stick with us as we get everything up and working again.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Del's 160m Net Report!!

Here is the net report from NW8I, Del, the APRN's super stand in net control operator. THANKS AGAIN DEL!!!!!

The 160 meter net started kind of slow, there was just W2AOJ, Matt and
myself until about 15 or 20 after the hour. Then KJ4PZZ, Bill checked in
and at about 0145Z KI4LWA, Howard checked in.

We talked about antennas and antenna supports mostly with a little 2 meter
talk thrown in. All things considered it was pretty good net.

KI4LWA, Howard suggested that we might use 3817.76 as an alternate for the
80 meter net, as that freq was pretty quiet last Thurs nite.


Stay tuned for updates on the changes that are going on here at the APRN and our sister Networks. There is alot going on with the APRN Mobile Communications Vehicle as well.
Hopefully, John will be back soon to run the APRN 80m net. He can see if the move suggested by Howard will make the net easier to run. So until next time, EVERYBODY HAVE A SAFE WEEK!!!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Uh Oh, The 160m net.....

Here we go again!!! K7DLB has a business meeting in Virginia Sunday and he may not make it back in time to run the APRN 160m net. I know, he PROMISED that he would be around for the net but this opportunity just came up in the last week and if it takes off, he will be a free man!!!!! Well, MAYBE.......
So just in case he is not back in time, once again please tune in at 9pm EDT (0100UTC) to 1.860LSB and see if maybe Santa W4DMH, or Del, NW8I grab the reins and start a discussion!!! Stay tuned to this site for last minute announcements!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The APRN 80m Net

John, Net Control for the 80m APRN net will need a stand in net control for this Thursday's net. There has been a death in his family and he needs to tend to that. We offer our condolences to John and his wife and our thoughts and Prayers will be with them as they deal with their loss.
If anyone wants to give net control a shot or even just ad lib net control we would appreciate it. Del, NW8I has been a great short notice stand in net control so give a listen on Thursday at 9pm (0200UTC) on 3.962LSB, and you just may hear the melodious tones of Del's voice in there getting the evening discussion started!!!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

80m Net Report &160M Net Annnouncement

reports that Thursday's APRN 80m net was hammered by bad band conditions. NW8I Del, was the only check in. Seems that band conditions are getting fairly rough lately. But, in proper Prepper fashion, we will keep trying because learning how to cope with bad conditions is necessary.
Tomorrow nights' 160m net will take a standby for the Easter holiday. K7DLB has a family commitment that just came up. IF someone wants to take the net, please go ahead and let K7DLB know how you made out. The 160m band has been bad lately as well. But, as this is the Easter weekend, please take time to give thanks for the gift that this day represents. Also, give thanks for the ability to prepare for any situation that may arise. We never know what may happen in the future, but there is a certain peace of mind that comes with Prepping. So, enjoy your day and we will be back in full force next weekend. K7DLB has been working like a dog in his garden, there is a Tomato plant sprout peeking in the starting bin so the future looks bright!!!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The APRN Net on April Fools Day!!

So check in and see what the discussion will be!!!
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